Internet Search Engine, R.I.P. 2024

Without official data, it appears that 2024 is the year that the internet search engine died. An AI powered meteor have struck the web and the traditional search engine model has begun gasping for air. Likewise, villages of websites surrounding the web are now being caught up in this fall out.

Search Engine Optimization appears to be going away. The websites of old are to be rapidly fading

A self-serving search keened me in on this dilemma. Often, I place my T-Rex hands on the keyboard to crank about various searches to see how high I rank. In one of my latest queries, the search engine’s AI function offered up language from one of my posts. Attribution, however, was missing. My concepts had been taken up by AI.

While having AI incorporating my site information is a compliment, it is, however, detrimental towards the development of an SEO based website approach. The particular searcher got my information without being introduced to my site. In the end, I have lost a potential consumer.

In the end, it appears that the search engine AI concept is gearing up to be a subscription service. People will be less inclined to surf the web once they are parts of these services.

Thus, for those with websites and who are currently treading rough waters, some problems may not be your content. Rather, external forces are changing the dynamics of who information is received. For certain, we must face this brave new world.

Be well!!

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Published by biblelifestudies

I am a practicing lawyer and long term admirer of the bible

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