A Secular Education Lesson Plan for The Ten Commandments: Law vs. Moral Code

Originally, the Ten Commandments served as part of the Legal Code for the Israelite Nation. The Ten Commandments was an important legal document for the country. It was if the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and other laws were placed all into one document. The Ten Commandments include matters involving morals and values.Continue reading “A Secular Education Lesson Plan for The Ten Commandments: Law vs. Moral Code”

Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Law

In the United States, the State of Louisiana just enacted a law for the public display of thee Ten Commandments in public school classrooms beginning in 2025. The backlash was immediate. There are those crying violations of the First Amendment Establishment Clause while the law supporters are contending that it is a foundational document forContinue reading “Louisiana’s Ten Commandments Law”

A Book of Joshua Ten Commandments’ Moment: Achan

With the Torah complete, the Children of Israel, through Joshua’s leadership, begin their conquest of the Promised Land. Beyond territorial acquisition, governance is required which involves the adherence to the Torah’s commandments. The Book of Joshua tackles the complexities of implementing Mosiac Law during unsettled times. This post concerns Achan’s theft. There is much going onContinue reading “A Book of Joshua Ten Commandments’ Moment: Achan”

Yes Virginia, There is a Chanukah

put on your yarmulke here comes chanukkah adam sandler yes virginia. there is a chanukah. in antiquity, long before the north american colony of virginia, before the birth of the prophet mohammed and the establishment of the islamic religion, before christianity, and before the time when the holy land was re-named palestine by the romans,Continue reading “Yes Virginia, There is a Chanukah”