The Adjective Reality aka In Defense of Don Lemon: A Ten Commandments’ Tale

adjectives are taken way too seriously. recently, cnn news anchor don lemon’s interpretation of “prime” is the latest example of adjective ridiculousness. GOAT is an adjective that gets my goat. the GOAT adjective which stands for “greatest of all time” is moronic. i would not be surprised if those condemning mr. lemon’s prime usageContinue reading “The Adjective Reality aka In Defense of Don Lemon: A Ten Commandments’ Tale”

When A Black Mother Refused To Let Her Son Become History: A Ten Commandments’ Tale

while i never met my client’s mother, she influenced my entire life and career. she defined decision-making, courage, love, the practice of medicine, and dissent. my now deceased client shared with me the story of when he suffered from a life threatening brain bleed condition. he was taken to a local los angeles county hospital.Continue reading “When A Black Mother Refused To Let Her Son Become History: A Ten Commandments’ Tale”

Mothers To Honored? A Ten Commandments’ Tale

two recent news stories about mothers illustrate why faith matters when it comes to children. the first story is from new mexico. ms. lexis avila, 18, has been arrested and charged with attempted murder and child abuse. she allegedly tossed her newborn child into a garbage dumpster and left it to die. her motherContinue reading “Mothers To Honored? A Ten Commandments’ Tale”